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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Three- Way Student Lead Conferences

Well done to everyone who invited their families to the school during the last two weeks, to share their learning and goals for term three. I was impressed with the confident manner in which you were able to share the work you have completed in your books, on the walls and on your blog pages. You were clear about the goals that you wanted to achieve this term and how your would go about making improvements with your learning.

All learning plans and goals can be accessed via your child's blog page. Don't forget to leave a comment.


Conrad Knight said...

Nice picture Madeleine

Madzinc said...

I really enjoyed student led confincies i think that there a great idea.

charnce said...

nice but i miss out on my interview.

Alesha W said...

Nice picture Madeliene, wish I could of had a student led confrince

logan said...

The student lead three way conferences was a great way to talk to your parents about your learning instead of just listing to your parents and the teacher talking about your learning I really enjoyed it

Karlene H said...

It's a great idea having student lead conferences, it was great showing my family the work I have been doing in Room 23.

Jacob said...

Nice straight face madeleine

Shaylee S said...

Great picture Madeleine keep it up.