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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Room 23 attend food technology with Mrs. Garrett each day 5 during period 3&4. At Food Technology last week we made bran muffins. The week before we made apple and cinnamon muffins and the week before that we got to make any drink we wanted except it can’t be alcohol and it had to be healthier than the milk shakes that we made the week before that.

At food technology we have to do four things before we can cook. First wee wash our hands for 20 seconds after that we get our aprons on then we organize our equipment on the table.

Last week we had to plan what we are going to make in week 9,10 and 11. We had to choose a type of food and each week we have to make it healthier than the week before.

We have learnt how to bake muffins and make a variety of milk shakes. We learnt to use the equipment in Food Technology.

“I really like it’ its really good, we are so much fun.” –Brandon

“we learn cooking at school, to help us to cook at home. –Sophie

“Cooking is really fun and you get to know how to cook different food”. – Leota

“Cooking is a really good opportunity to get learn more about cooking different sorts of. Cooking is a really fun thing to do and I hope to learn more about how to cook” -Fatai

by Jamie and Brandon

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